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The Quincangrogne wine List


Matthieu d’Hainaut «The Winegrowers Sommelier»

I received my additional qualification in Sommellerie after receiving my Vocational Training Certificate (BEP) and the Vocational Cooperative Program Baccalaureate(BAC) in Catering-Hospitality.


After completing my studies, I went to London and worked for Marco – Pierre WHITE I returned to France to work for restaurants such as La Tour D’Argent *, Le Carmontelle *(Dolce Chantilly), Relais Louis XIII**, the Scribe Hotel * and the Prince of Wales Hotel.


My encounters, wine tasting in the vineyards and the idea of sharing my favorites made me naturally want to become a link between wine makers and professionals.
His most beautiful memory?
Visiting the Douro Valley, without any hesitation Playing petanque at Quinta do Noval with a glass of Nacional in the middle of this beautiful and unique landscape, there is worse than that.


His favorite bottle?
I had the chance to taste a lot of wines, but the best one was an empty bottle drunk with friends.

Selected Wines for the Season

“Predilection” Pouilly Fumé
Jonathan Didier Pabiot Domain

The Loire Region
Sauvignon Variety


" Grand Cru " Chambertin
Camille Giroud Domain

Pinot Noir Variety

Le Quincangrogne rend son étoile
au 31 décembre 2024.

Le restaurant vous accueillera dés janvier 2025 avec sa nouvelle carte bistronomique.

Au plaisir de vous recevoir !